Everything You Need To Know About Kayak Paddles
Everything You Need To Know About Kayak Paddles
Aquabound Paddles Fit Guide: https://aquabound.com/pages/kayak-paddle-sizing-guide
Bending Branches Fit Guide: https://bendingbranches.com/blogs/resources/kayak-paddle-sizing-guide
Werner Paddles Fit Guide: https://wernerpaddles.com/pages/fit-guide
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0:00 Everything You Need To Know About Kayak Paddles
0:35 Paddle Blade Angle
1:26 Paddle Materials
6:27 Dihedral vs Flat
8:15 Bent Shaft vs Straight Shaft
9:51 Ferrules
10:53 Feathering
12:36 Paddle Sizing
14:09 Specialized Paddles
14:57 Next Time on Headwaters Kayak
Advise from an advanced paddler : if you store offers Werner and Aquabound……….go for the Aquabound. If you store offers Werner and any other brand………go for any other brand. Werner paddles easily break at the ferule and is NOT worth half the price they go for.
Been just reading the comments,I see i am not the only one that thinks this video and obviously you by the comments, are great .
Another excellent video. Thank you so much.
Very informative and well done…thanks!
What’s the physical difference between a low angle and high angle paddle???
Thank you sooooo much!!!
Bought my first kayak (used Wilderness system tsunami 145). I need help choosing between these two paddles, because I found deals on both. Manta Ray Hybrid with Posi-lok vs Manta Ray Carbon w/snap button. Both are priced at around $150. I have gone kayaking, several dozen times, and am more of a power paddler.
The two types of paddles that i wanted to know more about were the two that you didn’t cover (Greenland and Winged).
What is a good stable above kayak for whitewater class 1-2+, possibly 3; I am thinking of oldtown sportsman 120? any thoughts? thanks
Appreciate the great videos. Class leading a s best in the industry. Keep them coming!
Great information!!
Thank you
I have the Werner Kaliste bent shaft and the Lettmann Multi Wave bent shaft. Both are greate paddles…
This dude is a great teacher and was super helpful. Thanks for the video.
Such a great video, thanks.
Total rubbish.Buy Bracca.This bloke is a total fool.
You didn’t explain which end is which.
I thought that the pointy end would enter the water first.
Also it has more angle to allow for the angle of the entry.
And you didn’t talk about fishing paddles lol that’s the whole reason I came here .. what the h*** is the difference between a fishing paddle and a regular paddle , the blade is different it seems like It as a notch it, maybe for resting your Fishing Pole?
I recently tried kayaking for the first time. I rented a kayak at the lake thinking this should be easy. It was a Lifetime brand kayak, but I don’t remember the paddle brand. I mentioned it was my first time to three different people I dealt with, hoping to get any beginner advice. I figured I would get a little wet, but no, I got a LOT wet. I assume those rings at the ends of the paddles are there to help stop the water from running the length of the paddle and getting into the kayak, but the one on my right kept sliding down to my hand and seemed pretty useless. I noticed in one of your videos that there weren’t any rings. I don’t mind getting a little wet, but I was drenched. What can you tell me about keeping a little dryer?
what’s the model name of his wooden paddle?
Newbie here who recently bought an Eddyline Caribbean 12FS that’s 30 inches wide. The outfitter urged me to buy a Werner Camano that’s 230 CM. It’s a very light and stiff paddle. Another great informative view.
I’m new to kayaking so thanks for the info!
5:50 sir you said 25 grams? I think you mean ounces! Or 825 grams!!
Im over here looking for mystical paddles
25grams? You mean 250gr?
Thank you for your video. Are Greenland paddles good for beginners? I’m looking to do some lake fishing and river camping.Thanks
Very helpful, thank you
Man,this is probably one of the best videos i have seen ,well explained,a wealth of information.
Your passion shows through.
First time viewer.
Great video and I like that hat
Dan, I’d like your opinion on the ABAHUB kayak paddles that are sold on Amazon. They are 90.5" with Carbon Fiber shaft and plastic blades that do seem quite stiff. I’d like to know how you would and wouldn’t use it. I bought a couple for my wife and I, but we are complete newbies to kayaking. Any knowledge that I may have before getting on the water comes from your videos.
Loved the video. Informative and clearly explained
Hello i just watched your video, I am trying to do a a raised seat fishing kayak and i am 5’11" any reccomendation for paddle and length? I like to go to large lakes
Thank you for mentioning my favorite paddle, the Greenland style. Also for mentioning that a wooden Euro style is available. I like to feel a more planted blade especially in a braced position.
recently found kayaking and I have to say that your channel helped a ton. A+ videos dude!
Thanks, you guys are really helping me with getting into this sport
I’ll give my 2 cents. I want a stiff blade so I can pole the boat in skinny water. I prefer a longer paddle. I don’t care much about weight. I don’t cared for feathered. I’ve been kayaking for 20 years some or better than others. The ones that come with kayaks will get you on the water but generally suck.
Thankyou for such a good video. As a newbie to all this, your video is spot on in helping me understand what stuff means!
Just ordered my first kayak, these are great tips! Will definitely watch this again and take some notes!
Awesome video Dan man. Thanks for the knowledge. Appreciate you and Headwaters staff.
I have to get in one more adventure before end of season. Looking at doing Brows Canyon with River Runners in Buena Vista, Co on 8/19
Dan – Did you say your favorite paddle was a Lendall Cadence? I think you said you have two favorites, but I can’t remember which ones they are. Best – Marian
What is the best way to store the paddle in my garage.
Guys like me are oddballs. Flatwater river/lake long distance dudes on a ski. Full carbon small-mid wing neutral feather forever. Great for going forward when you’re half asleep. It almost paddles itself. Everything else? Not so much! It refuses to scull in my hands. Mad respect for Brother Dan!
Great video and it’s always a pleasure to watch someone like you paddling…there are so many videos online of paddlers with terrible form…great to see someone with great form!
Good, informative video.
I know I’m a yr late….been using a kayak for hunting and fishing for yrs….but I use 2 small wooden paddles…..I just recently bought a nucanoe frontier 12….I need to get a double sided paddle ( kayak paddle)…I’m 5′ 7"…any suggestions. I would greatly appreciate it
I see this stuff has evolved a bit since my Kober Weltmeister.
Literally 5 mins ago.eBay just purchased Bending Branches Angler Pro.for $200 brand new too, These run close to $400 out the door. I am new to kayaking & subscribing to your channel so I can learn how to do it like the pros do & Not look so dumb/ inexperienced when I first go out, So Thanks.
Fantastic video. I needed this.
Incredible depth of knowledge that you share very succinctly, directly and without much fanfare.
Great video and very educational. You should do a video about fishing kayak paddles and paddling techniques🙏🏼