I Bought All Of The Popular Portable Gas Grills
I Bought All Of The Popular Portable Gas Grills
Picking a grill can be hard. I bought most of the portable gas grills on Amazon over the last year and a half to find out which one I like the best and which features are a must have.
Grills Shown in the Video:
Char-Broil Portable: https://www.amazon.com/Char-Standard-Portable-Liquid-Propane/dp/B00004TBJ4/
Megamaster: https://amzn.to/42f15aq
Charbroil 240: https://amzn.to/3MEaDWv
Pit Boss: https://amzn.to/427fXre
Weber Q1200: https://amzn.to/43dYUFp
Char-Broil X200:https://amzn.to/45NK6Pw
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0:00 Intro
0:09 Char-Broil Portable
0:58 Megamaster
2:06 Charbroil 240
2:48 Pit Boss Portable
4:45 Weber Q1200
5:40 Char-Broil X200
what’s the point if you don’t show the inside burner
Nice review. I have a Q1000 and love it. My only gripe is the lid can flop open when transporting. I just use cord to tie the hand to the legs. It stays shut now. I put the tank, tongs, foil and scraper all inside for transport.
The nexgrill aluminum with iron grates looks pretty good now after seeing these.
Thanks bought the x200
Fantastic video! Thanks for such a great review of multiple grills. Your videos are always very informative and well thought out. Keep up the good work!
I have a cuisinart 5 burner BBQ and their large smoker. I was blown away with the quality for the price that they offer. Everyone goes on about their Traegers but my Cuisinart is built hilariously better, comes with a number of accessories, is larger, looks nicer and it’s cheaper. Don’t shy away from brands just because they don’t typically saturate a market segment. I would go for the Cuisinart in this lineup. They also offer better than typical warranties on key parts of their grills.
I have the basic Char-Broil. It worked very well for 2 years. We carried it in the storage bay of our 5th wheel, with newspapers under it. Cleaned it in the backyard with grill cleaner. This year it started to have issues: not as much heat output, flame in the feed tube to the burner. It served its purpose for 2 years at $50. I would buy it again. I did buy an adaptor hose to go to a propane tank.
I have 2 of the go anywhere in charcoal and propane versions. I was using the Weber traveler for camping before I bought those. The Weber traveler is a big nope for travel it packs too big in my SUV. 2 of those weber GAs are less than half the packing size of 1 Weber traveler. I recommend these little webers for camping
Great review… thanks for the investment! (grills) and well produced video. I am a huge Weber fan, 60 years and still cookin’… but I really like the last one you showed. I may have to try it for my next portable purchase.
Great video. I recently purchased the Weber Q1200 after researching for a few months and it works great. Small enough to be portable- not too big or heavy. It does what it needs to do and that’s cool up a few things on the go. It rocks!
Moore Dorothy Johnson Jose Anderson Larry
Yeasss thank you for doing this
You’re a legend mate
Nice review Ryan!
Thanks for sharing!
Should be able to adjusted the flow on the grill
Weber go anywhere is missing.
Excellent Job. You explain the pros and cons of these portable Gas Grills perfectly. More Videos please
WOW!!!!!!! This guy speaks English. Fantastic video.
I just bought the latest X200 on Amazon. It’s half-price today, June 13, 2024, in the UK for £116.00.
I’ve found that hot burning Char Broil grills are really convenient because you can run them at much lower temps, making winter cooking so much easier.
Thank you!
No prices..no BTU output!.not much of a review at all.
Heck yeah man. Great info. Thanks!!
Does it work with the Standard Propane Fuel Cylinder? Thank you !
Are any of these made in the usa?
Been looking for a comparison video like this. PS the legs on the first grill are on backwards
great video. do you have a link to that table? its the perfect size haha.
GREAT video thank you.
Would any of these be good to drop a stainless steel griddle on?
Is it normal for the flame to reach into the tube connecting to the valve? I have the first grill you showed and the little square hole at the front of the valve, I can sometimes see the flame in that hole.. I’m not sure if that’s ok, but it makes me nervous so I have a hard time using the grill
Now I can be like warly from dont starve
The mook doesnt even tell you how much they are.
The char broil is a good one I’ve had that one for years but the propane regulator does not last long unfortunately
How do these grill stack up weight-wise? The Q1200 is around 29 pounds. Portable yes, but if you’re not ‘tail-gating’ you will want some kind of cart to get it from the car to the cooking area.
got the Martin GR14. Works great!
Awesome video. Appreciate that you bought the grills so this is not a typical incentivized review.
Hey man great video looking into a portable grill actually but is there anyway u can test the nexgrill portable grill with the foldable legs!? Looks sorta like the megamaster but a stated higher btu !!???
Great video, i enjoyed watching it
Can you do some cheap portable charcoal grill one day? Curious how some of those cheaper amazon hibachi grills perform
I wiped down my Weber right after I sent you that picture of it filthy. I promise.
Weber sucks. Their regular grills are awesome, but the small one is crap. Cusinart also wasn’t great. Never tried the other ones. PortaChef320 (not shown here) is the best. The problem with small grills – they don;t get hot enough to sear the meat properly – gotta look for 3 burners
Got the Cuisinart one burner….Not good… Flames all the time and cook unevenly…. So regret
You forgot to mention the Weber Q has a folding table made by Weber – I don’t think any of their competitors make one. Both of the grill and the stand can be found on Facebook marketplace for very cheap used.
I went through this years ago. We would go camping with large groups of friends maybe 30 to 35 people. Bottom the portable grills wouldn’t stay lit. Plus where we went camping was extreme camping off a mountain road that you paid to park on. So zero amenities no picnic tables no bathrooms nothing. 1 year I stopped at this place called All Town propane in Weymouth Massachusetts. This was the year 1999. I told the guy at the propane store the issues I was having with portable grills. He brought from outback a portable grill by broil King. Called the broil King Porter chef. He rang it up and at the time it was about $350. I was 18 years old and two embarrassed to say that’s way too expensive. So I bought it. Now I’m 41 and I still use the grill to this day. It’s gone on a least 35 camping trips out on my boat and has been used as my home personal use barbecue grill for at least 25 years. So the initial cost doesn’t seem so bad anymore. They still make the Porter chef but obviously the model I bought is discontinued. If you think about it I suggest getting one. It puts all those other portable grills to shame .
Just in time for grilling and travel season!
Williams Matthew Perez Amy Jackson Thomas
I have the charbroil x200 on a swing- away on the back of my Landcruiser, it’s been there for 250,000 kilometres, one thing I did change is the grill, it now has a custom stainless 4mm thick plate for smash burgers which is absolutely amazing, I use the grill plate for charring veggies and sometimes steaks so have the best of both worlds but yes it definitely gets crazy hot and perfect for smash burgers for 2.
You forgot the Trail Fire 🔥
My webber doesn’t get / stay hot. Replaced everything in it.
Great video!!
Oh, man, you did some mean shopping …buying all these grills…
This is a great consumer comparison for viewers…
I love your shows and your incredible ability to communicate …love you , man.. …